I decided to have some of my close friends over to our apartment on Saturday night to celebrate my birthday which was on the 7th. Despite the fact it was the night of Diesel's 30th birthday and most of NY seemed to be flocking over to Brooklyn, everyone turned up, we all had bubbles and there were no fag burns in the rug.Come midnight we finished the evening off at the Beatrice... it would have been rude not to.
Stylist Frances Tulk-Hart monopolising the polar bear.
Mark Palmen, James Gardner and me.
Annabel Tollman looking super svelte with my man Paud.
David Gruning, Kate Schelter and Christian Langbein, all gorgeous and lounging.
Nicole Brown and Florent Belda in my bedroom.
Kelly Ryerson and Susan Joy. I do love a blonde!
Macky Dugan and Drew Elliot.
Erich Conrad pushing around Olivia King.
Natasha Royt and Paud in the kitchen.
Roderick Angle , Crystal Slattery and a friend.
Kristen Alexander-King showing a bit of leg and Patrick O'Leary.
Armand Limnander and Jonathan de Busk ( thanks for the moonshine, not yet dared to open it yet!)
Frances, Angie Parker and Susan swarming around the bubbles..
Here we are at the Beatrice...Fay Cantor-Stephens and Ben Copperwheat.
Natasha and Ashley Javier on the dancefloor.
Patrick McGrath, Nicole and Mark on the banquette. Trouble!
Lee Carter from Hintmag and Armand from T magazine, comparing notes.
Me and Fay closing down the B...