Last Wednesday I went along with Amir Zia to Robert Verdi's show apartment for the final episode screening party of "She's Got The Look", the TV show he hosts for the over 35's "Top Model". Funny! Got it all going on there though.
We then toddled off to the Opening Ceremony party at Santo's Party House on Lafayette and swayed about for a bit.
The next night it was Milk Gallery's 10th anniversary party and annual summer BBQ, with Mariachi band Fu Manchu......woohoo! It was wall to wall cute, plus whole cooked pigs...
Robert Verdi the hostess with the mostess at home relaxing.
The apartment.I was loving the Debbie Harry / Jayne County print on the wall..
Amir eyeing the contents of the fridge
At the Opening Ceremony party, Vicky Bartlett and Emma Reeves, Brits abroad!
Natasha Royt on the tiles
Jay Masscaret, deep in vogue.
Amir Zia and me
The next day. With Tamsin Lonsdale from the Supper Club on the roof of Soho House.I hoped everyone was here on holiday and not just on their lunch break ...
Mariachi at Milk.
Matt Kays with Catherine Kim, Milk's PR.
The strangely unoccupied mechanical bull!
Kity, Paud and me.