June 13th was the 85th birthday of Paud's dad, the architect Kevin Roche. We managed to get a last minute table at The Spotted Pig ( thanks to the chef extraordinaire April Bloomfield whom I had met a few days earlier on a Brits abroad shoot for British Harpers Bazaar) and we had a real treat.
Last Wednesday evening in the rain saw the opening of the Hermes store on Wall Street . The afterparty was nearby at the Cunard Building. And what an afterparty. I was stunned into sensory overload and basically forgot to take any pictures until the end. The enchanted forest, revolving dancefloor and enless supply of delicious seafood were too much for me to take in one go. Plus playing guess the " customer" or "employee" took up a great deal of my evening. Fun though.
Then Sunday it was brunch with friends at the Maritime hotel, and an afternoon spent getting back to my apartment through the Gay Pride parade in the village. Phew!
Paud ( after pork rilletes and lamb heart) with Kitty and me.
Me and James Gardner amusing ourselves on a hay bale at the Hermes party.
The most stylish woman in glasses, stylist Haydee Finley Levin.
One of the Hermes horses on the revolving dance floor, being creatively used as a purse holder and coat check.
The beautiful writer and model Jessica Joffe and Kitty at the Maritime .
Kitty with Massimo Cuviello. Aw!
Right on my doorstep I was pleased to discover the Harlem breakdancing crew the Tranzformerz.
The girls surpass themselves.
Kitty , non-plussed, had really seen it all today.
James Brown , one of my oldest friends from London, was over for work.
I just bumped into this cute threesome on W 16th Street, on their way to their high school ( PS111) prom.